Tuesday, August 25, 2009

more false prices on items

Location: Other, Cardiff
Industry: Retail
Annoyed By: hairy bloke Cardiff

Same as the previous complainer the price was listed with a set and then was told this was not for the set even though the sign stated this.

I was told I was wrong and if didnt like the real price then don't buy it its up to you.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Cell C - lies and deception

Location: Other, Gauteng
Industry: Telecom
Annoyed By: Charlene Adams

I have been dealing with Cell C for over a month now and was recently told I was talking to the senior management in regards to resolving my query since 03072009, today I was informed that this is not true and Charlene in fact confirmed it for me.

How can a service provider take this long to firstly resolve a query? I was told to take my business elsewhere initially and now have had 'manager' after 'manager' call me to try rectify the issue yet get lied to or told to go away anyway.

I have tried now for the last time to get some clarification and will be taking this to the highest level possible within Cell C, media next and then I do not know where. All I can say is that I am close to taking Cell C's advise and going to another service provider, I am just worried about all the others out there that have been bamboozled and do not have the means to make their voice heard.

I have just received a sms too to say my upgrade has been processed when I have not agreed to anything, lets see how that works out. I was initially asked to select a phone for my upgrade and was then told to pay for it without informing me of costs in the beginning, WATCH THIS SPACE!!!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Apathy and Disconcern

Location: Other, Atlanta, GA
Industry: Other
Annoyed By: League USA

My story is only justified by reading the email exchange which I have posted below... this exchange took place after almost 7 hours of repeated attempts to get their customer service to respond to an urgent issue I was having. This is not the first time I have had issues with them, but it will be the last. I am done with Leagues USA - anyone considering using them, FYI, as soon as they sign you up, they no longer care!!!!


From: Revolution Athletics [mailto:info@revolutionathletics.org]
Sent: Wednesday, August 05, 2009 8:50 AM
To: Charlie Mandt

Charlie, I can't get this to do all the games, it keeps leaving off 3 of them. Can you call me and help me when you get in?


From: Charlie Mandt [mailto:charlie@leagueusa.com]
Sent: Friday, August 07, 2009 2:39 PM
To: 'Revolution Athletics'
Subject: RE: 2009 Copa de Calle


I opened up the tournament schedule that you sent me. It says you don't have enough timeslots to schedule all games. See screenshot below.


From: Revolution Athletics [mailto:info@revolutionathletics.org]
Sent: Friday, August 07, 2009 2:42 PM
To: 'Charlie Mandt'
Subject: RE: 2009 Copa de Calle

That is an old one that I sent two days ago. I asked you to call me now like 6 times.

From: Charlie Mandt [mailto:charlie@leagueusa.com]
Sent: Friday, August 07, 2009 3:42 PM
To: 'Revolution Athletics'
Subject: RE: 2009 Copa de Calle

Please describe the problem in an email.



From: "Revolution Athletics"
Date: Fri, 7 Aug 2009 17:02:21 -0400
To: 'Charlie Mandt'<charlie@leagueusa.com>
Subject: RE: 2009 Copa de Calle
Really Charlie, that's the best support you can offer me? I called like 6-10 times and left as many messages and maybe more emails and you ask me to email you the issue. Nice.

From: Charlie Mandt - LeagueUSA [mailto:charlie@leagueusa.com]
Sent: Friday, August 07, 2009 5:15 PM
To: Revolution Athletics
Subject: Re: 2009 Copa de Calle


From: "Revolution Athletics"
Date: Fri, 7 Aug 2009 17:55:21
To: 'Charlie Mandt'<charlie@leagueusa.com>
Subject: RE: 2009 Copa de Calle

So let me get this straight…

• I called you at 9:00 am to your customer service 800 number and leave a message per instructions your office opens at 9:00. No reply.
• I call repeatedly over the course of the next three hours, even calling the server hotline number and leave a message indicating that it is an urgent message and to please have someone call me. No reply
• I email repeatedly to both your help desk email and you starting at 8:00 am – up until your first response around 3:00 pm today, and in each instance I stress the urgency of my call and request that someone call me.
• Finally, when you do respond its via a half hearted email that gives me some equally half hearted response about scheduling as if I know nothing about the software and haven't been using it for over three years now – when all of my messages indicated I was getting multiple errors, some of which you saw with me first hand two days ago and that only a telephone call would be beneficial.
• I respond again to call me that the errors are multiple and need to be discussed over the phone – I even try calling again. No answer.
• You respond again with another apathetic email that does not address my situation.
• I question the veracity and functionality of your response and you retort w a single "yes" – still no call
• All of this after I emailed help desk two days ago w the initial errors and you reply today indirectly only bc of all my other requests that you haven't had time to look at my email yet?
• So here I am at 7:40 pm, almost 12 hours after I initially contacted you and still I am left helplessly unresolved. I have a tournament tomorrow that I needed to publish a schedule at noon for today – of which I informed you of this throughout the day – hence my urgency, and yet nobody bothered to call me back as requested ALL day.
• Consequently, I was forced to manually create a schedule using excel and then manually plug into your software for a tournament tomorrow that took me several hours to complete, missing my promised deadline to the participants.
• So this is how you deal with customer service for a client that has purchased three websites through you, two software packages?

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Companies Customers Love to Hate

When it comes to the Hall of Fame of companies to hate, these tech firms top the list.