Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The Modern Shoe Hospital ruined my shoes and won't return them

Location: Newfoundland and Labrador, St. John's
Industry: Other
Annoyed By: The owner and his son

I took a brand new pair of unworn $400 shoes in for an adjustment. I gave specific instructions which they ignored, in fact they did the opposite of what I asked for and mangled the heals of my new shoes in the process. When I refused to pay they THREATENED ME saying they would "see to it I never got my shoes back". They still have not returned my property.

Why isn't this theft?

Sloppy amateurish work combined with ignorant hostile staff makes for very poor service.

CIBC and Customer Service / Accountability

Location: Ontario, Toronto (1-800)
Industry: Finance
Annoyed By: Visa Customer Service

I noticed some fraudulent charges on my CIBC credit card in late September. I called CIBC's Visa customer service line to report them. I went through a LONG drawn-out process to make sure that they had understood and itemized absolutely everything. I know that they had it correct because they repeated every single date and line item in question. Phew I thought, "that was easy!" And it should have been easy, every single disputed charge references exactly the same 1-800 number. I was told to expect a letter outlining all of the charges for my signature so that they could be investigated and reversed. "No problem" says I!

I get the letter; it contains a fraction of the charges that I know that the bank entered into their system. It comes from some woman with the initial "S" so I call her. She's not available so I leave a detailed message with my CC number and 2 different phone numbers. She doesn't reply. I call her again and leave the same message several days later… She doesn't reply!

I finally get fed up and call the main number complaining that nobody is returning my call. I get put on-hold forever until "S" finally shows up on the phone. I inform her again (3rd time now) in person about the problem and tell her that about half of the disputed charges are not on the letter… And I ask why because I tell her that I know absolutely every charge was noted and read back to me in my original call. In fact, I even tell her that she's reversed a legitimate charge. She doesn't know much, says everything she was provided is in the letter, but that I can hand write the missing info in myself with the dates and amounts and then return it to her. So I do.

I wait the suggested time and check my statement on-line. There are still 2 charges that haven't been reversed. I've learned my lesson about trying to contact "S" directly so I call the main-line and ask to make sure that I can speak to someone live… Somehow or other they get "S" on live with me. I again explain the situation and express a little frustration about the fact that the bank can't get this correct. I give her the amounts in question and she says "oh that first one was already credited" and I say "no it hasn't"! She says that that charge from X date was credited on Y date. I say "you're correct but I'm talking about the charge from W date which was clearly outlined in the letter I sent to you". She now says AGAIN that she'll take care of those 2 "missed" charges and reverse them immediately.

I ask about the interest rebate for ALL of the charges. She says that I should see something on my statement called an "interest reversal". I haven't seen anything like that so I ask where it is… She seems surprised and tells me that she's going away to calculate it… She comes back after an incredible time on hold and tells me that she'll be reversing less than $7.00. I don't understand because there are about $800.00 in questionable charges so I ask how she came up with that amount, since we're dealing with hundreds of dollars over several months… She flips me to someone we'll call "M".

"M" tells me that she has 15 years of customer service experience and can perhaps explain the interest issue better than "S". She tells me that the interest reversal that "S" was referencing was just in regard to the charges I had asked about that day. I say "that's not what she said"… "M" says that the system would have automatically reversed the interest on the previous reversals and the "new" total would have been reflected in my monthly interest charge. I say "that's not what she said"…

I then ask if "M" is the manager of "S" and I'm told "no". I'm asked why and I say I'd like to express a little frustration with the amount of time that this has taken to get corrected along with the fact that "S" won't return her calls. Engage "M's" attitude…

First I'm told that "S" never had to reverse the 2nd set of charges because I didn't fill out the letter correctly. I say I filled it out exactly as I was told to by "S", in fact I filled it out while I was talking to her. I'm told that if "M" had seen it she wouldn't have approved it, "S" was good to me by accepting the letter as is. You mean the person that won't return my phone calls is being good to me? The person that can't get her job right when everything is spelled out easily for her is being good to me? Wait, the same person who missed reversing 2 charges on that same letter is being good to me? The one that had no idea that she'd fucked up is being good to me?

I then ask why it takes ME following up a significant number of times to have this done correctly… "M" goes into a bit of a tirade about illnesses, family issues, vacations, etc. At this point I'm upset, I tell her that that's no different than any other business out there and that most of them are able to continue being responsible and do their jobs while working through that same shit. "M" doesn't like that response… I want to hold "S" accountable for doing her job and being responsible to the bank's customers... That seems to be completely out of line according to "M". I again ask why this process is so fraught with errors and has taken so long… "M" says that "S" just missed it. And I say "the first time, the second time or the 3rd time?" "M" gets REALLY upset and finally says "OK, it's human error"!

What?!?! A bank employed just admitted to me on a phone call that is supposed to have been recorded that they fucked up due to "human error"! Funny, she wants me to accept it from the bank, but when whenever I've had a "human error" issue from my side, the bank won't accept it. Could this be a double standard?

So, hopefully in a couple of days I'll be able to check my statement on-line and see 3 credits… 2 for the remaining contested charges in question and 1 for the "interest reversal". God help me if they're not there.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Location: Ontario, TORONTO
Industry: Transportation
Annoyed By: RONALD





Motor Movers Spain Destroyed My Car And Now Refuse To Fix The Damage

Location: Other, Malaga
Industry: Transportation
Annoyed By: Motor Movers Spain

In July of 2009 I contracted Motor Movers Spain to transport my prized PT Cruiser Cabriolet from Spain to the UK.

When their agent arrived on July 4th I filled in the necessay documentaion giving Motor Movers Spain the sole authority to transport my car to the UK. I was told upon collection that it would delivered to my UK address on the 12th of July. With assurances of a professonal service and guarantees of care I relinquished my Cruiser to Motor Movers Spain and arranged my flight back to the UK to ensure I would be at the delivery address when the car arrived.

The car did not arrive on Monday the 12th of July as Motor Movers assured on collection. I then contacted Motor Movers to find out what was causing the delay, they did'nt even have the courtesy to call and tell me that there would be a delay.

Motor Movers then informed me that the transport lorry was not in a roadworthy condition and would have to be repaired before I could have delivery. This work would cause a delay of approximately 7 days and I would have to hire alternative transport at my own expesne.

Not good and rather annoying. Not the, "high standards of customer service" they claim on their website www.carshippingtospain.com and that they had led me to expect.

Another 7 days passed when I receive the call that my PT Cruiser Cabriolet is about to be delivered. Not from Motor Movers but from an unknown transporter who was asking me if I knew if there was a jet wash near by. Why I asked him my suspicions aroursed. Only to be informed that a little oil or something had leaked from another vehicle onto mine while on the transporter.

"Not onto the canvas roof" I asked.
"I dont know" came the reply. Obviously lying and I knew at that point something was seriously wrong with my car.

The transporter arrived and it was instantly obvious that it was substantially more than, "a little oil or something." With much apology the driver, Billy of BKW Transport, explained that he had been sub-contracted without my permission or knowledge to deliver the car by Motor Movers Spain.

I was absolutely gutted. The car was covered in not only corrosive fluid but also rust, metal debris and what looked like metal filings. All from the 15 year old heap that was parked above it on the transporter. The hood was saturated and the fluid had filed the passenger door, was rotting all the seals and had even melted the window wipers.

Luckily my brother was there when Motor Movers Spain's sub contractor dumped my Cruiser in the local High street and helped me move the car to my house. The boss of Motor Movers, John, would later claim that he had delivered my car, but I am sure you will agree dumped is a much more honest description for a vehicle in this condition.

Billy the driver then jumped into his cab saying that he would forward the insurance details as unfortunately he did'nt have them to hand. Most professional transporters would, I would have thought, had such information to hand. But not so with Motor Movers sub contracted driver.

I later contacted "John" at Motor Movers Spain requesting insurance details to allow me to have the damage assesed and corrected. I was shouted down and told by "John" of Motor Movers Spain that these things happen and that he was unable to give me the insurance details as, you geussed it, he did'nt have them to hand.

Only after I created a blog, http://carshippingtospain.blogspot.com with pictures of the damage did he provide insurance details. However that was nearly six months ago and my car continues to rot as there is a problem with the insurance and I am continually fobbed off.

Motor Movers Spain have refused to return calls and emails and prefer to ignore the damage, stress and inconvienence they have caused.

Look a the photographs of my car and ask yourself would you entrust your runaround, as Motor Movers Spain put it on their website, let alone Bentley, Ferrari or Porsche to a company that considers this an acceptable condition to deliver someones pride and joy. Dented, rubbers and seals corroded, tyres breaking up, saturated in corrosive fluids, covered in rust and metalic debris and scratched paintwork.

I would'nt let Motor Movers transport my boys old pedal cart let alone a prestiege motor.

Monday, November 23, 2009

SoftMoc.com Call Center "Customer Service" rep SUCKS

Location: Ontario, http://www.softmoc.com/
Industry: Retail
Annoyed By: DAWN

I just had a horrible experience with SoftMoc's (http://www.soft-moc.com/) call-center representative concerning an online order. I shopped online since I'm in the U.S., and though I had no problems with the ordering of my shoes, their call center representative, Dawn, was rude and incompetent when I called about a question regarding my refund. I bought two of the same pairs of shoes, and ended up returning one of them. When setting up the return, I called with the specific ticket/order number of the specific pair I wanted refunded (because that pair was purchased on a card that charged extra for foreign currency transactions). So, months later, when I called with my question about the amount of the credit, I was told first that they had no record of my return, and later after a call back from Dawn-the-"Customer Service" Rep, was told that they did refund my purchase, but they refunded the first, not the second of my orders, and refuned the OTHER credit card in question. I asked how this was possible, since I specifically called them and asked to return the second pair, and she said a bunch of nonsense about how they often choose to do that when multiple pairs of the same shoe are purchased. I told her that I was now short some money because of their action, and all she had to say was that they'd done their job and refunded my purchase. Granted the WRONG PURCHASE. and AGAINST MY INSTRUCITONS. AND ULTIMATELY COST ME MONEY (because they refunded a purchase on a card that did NOT charge extra for foreign currency purchases, and left me with a purchase on the credit card that did). And she didn't try to do anything to compensate me, or to even convey that this was a problem on their end, or that they were even sorry about it! After a few comments from her that conveyed, in both words and tone, that I needed to "get over" it, as SoftMoc had done everything they should've done, I told her that I didn't appreciate her attitude that somehow this was my cross to bear, and that by simply "refunding my purchase" they had nothing to apologize to me for. I was upset, yes, but I was telling her that my problem was more in principle than anything, since the amount in question wouldn't exactly ruin me finanically. All she had to say back was that I was yelling at her. I told her I was upset, and rightly so, but certainly not even in the vicinity of yelling. She said I WAS, and that "even her manager could hear me" yelling. Then I asked to speak with her manager, since I was getting nowhere with her. At that point, the manager was "not available" or even in the building, according to Dawn the "cutomer service" rep. I asked how her manager could be there to hear me supposedly "yell" but not to discuss this matter with (by this time, the matter was her rudeness, not necessarily even the refund mistake anymore). I called back three more times, and had the "luck" to reach Dawn each time. She refused to pass me to a supervisor and hung up on me each time too. Given the many shopping choices we all have in person and via the web, I would strongly recommend saving yourself any potential contact with a winner like Dawn and this company!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

irritated by deepdiscount.com

Location: Other, California
Industry: Retail
Annoyed By: www.deepdiscount.com

I recently "purchased" a wii game (band hero) from this website. i then received an email saying my purchased was cancelled (after they billed me). I called to see what the issue was informed the lady I spoke to stated any items over $150 had to be verified (if being shipped to different address). I supplied the compnay with all my information to confirm I was purchasing the item (total was $169) and that I wanted it shipped to another address (it was a christmas gift for my nephew in Illinois). The lady upgraded my shipping and stated it was verified.
THEN I received two more calls the next day stating if over $100 the order has to be cancelled and it is impossible to verify. NOWHERE on their website states this is an issue. I asked what I could do- check by phone, nope. The only way is to send them a check then they can send it to a different address. Not sure how THAT is more secure than a credit card that I must give ALL my information verbally over the phone to someone. Then when I asked to speak to a supervisor, I was placed on hold and then the supervisor was "too busy" to talk to me. I am SLIGHTLY irritate

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Island American Eskimos is Completely Unethical Breeder

Location: Other, Portland, OR
Industry: Retail
Annoyed By: Robert Brown

I contact Robert Brown about buying one of his puppies and he sent me a questionnaire. After I completely filled out the questionnaire, I sent it in and awaited his response. I told him that I wasn't looking at breeding and that I was very knowledgable about American Eskimos. I mentioned I was in a relationship with a man and that's were everything went wrong. I liked his lines and his program but his response to me was completely uncalled for. Below is the email I received:


After careful review, I don't feel like you are ready to purchase one of my babies. I am a Christian and don't believe that homosexuality is acceptable for any reason. My eskies don't deserve to be placed in the home of a sodomite. Get right with God and maybe one day you can have my puppy. If you don't get right with God then you will burn in hell forever with all other sodomites.


Robert Brown

That was copied directly out of my email. UNBELIEVABLE! What right does he have to judge me and tell me I'm going to hell because of my choice. Everyone should know about this bigot and he should be ashamed as a "Christian" of his hateful comments.

After 4 years, 47000km and 3 services, VW still cannot even FIND the cause of the screeching brakes.

Location: Other, Edenvale, South Africa
Industry: Automotive
Annoyed By: Volkswagen South Africa

After 4 years, 47000km and 3 services, VW still cannot even FIND the cause of the screeching brakes. Their solution..."drive with the handbrake ON and then release the handbrake and the noise will go away" awesome German engineering for it's flagship vehicle !!!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Nothing extra comes from www.cigarextras

Location: Other, online retailer USA
Industry: Retail
Annoyed By: www.cigarextras

www.cigarextras.com is a retailer that sells humidors, etc. I ordered a humidor (supposedly A stock) and what I received was a nightmare. The humidor was obviously B stock (or worse) The lid wouldn't close, the finish was marred, and there was overspray everywhere. I knew after 3 seconds of looking at it, it was going to go back. They supposedly have a 7 day return policy, but first you contact the customer service through the phone number listed. The number's a hoax. There is never anyone who answers it. I tried emailing them and all I got was one rude reply. The reply said customer service has 72 hours to respond. Funny, by the time that email came in it had already been 120 hrs. Well, the seven days were eventually up and still no response from customer service "can you say SCAM." I never did get any other communications from this company. It was only then did I start doing my homework and looked at a myriad of complaints about this crooked company. Caveat Emptor: Buyer be ware-You've been warned.

Sunday, November 1, 2009


Location: Other, UK and USA
Industry: Other
Annoyed By: TEXT121 CHAT

Well i stupidly applied to work for text121 company as i really needed the money and thought it would be ideal with having children to work from home. This involves sitting at a computer and answering texts from desperate people, mostly in a sexual manor. These desperate people think you are this lovely person at the end of a mobile phone who really likes them. You are even expected to answer tarot questions, people do not realise they are being answered by people who know nothing about tarot. Anyway you are given a target of 3000 texts per month, 2200 for the first month or they do not pay you - even if you do just 1 under. This company allows you to work for them, then just before the last day of earning, which is the last day of the month, they think of any reason to get rid of you so they dont have to pay you! They even had the cheek on the 31st of the month to block me from using the service and then to tell me they had teminated me from working for them and they would not be paying me as i must be thick! It had been my first month and i had completed over 2200 messages!
The bosses treat you like dirt and even swear at you and send you disgusting e-mails, they certainly wouldnt do this face to face! There are many people in the same position as myself who have been conned by this company also and it really needs to be looked into as it surely cannot be allowed?
Steer clear of working for these idiots unless you want to spend every day answering dirty messages and not being paid for any of them!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Linksys is freaking useless.

Location: Other, Fort Worth, Texas, USA
Industry: Technology
Annoyed By: Linksys/Cisco

My router (WRT54G) crashed a few months ago. I called customer service and they were absolutely USELESS. After waiting for a lengthy 20 minutes on hold, they told me to do EVERYTHING even a rookie (and i consider myself a techie) would do. Needless to say i had already tried everything they told me. After another 10 minutes or so on hold, they dropped my call! I further researched by myself and found DD-WRT. Fixed the problem Cisco, instead of running Linksys into the ground with your s**ty customer service [where you have people from the Phillippines taking your call, putting you on hold, and looking in their instruction manuals for a simple explanation, and when they can't solve it, they hang up], why not put in some real effort into the products?

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

FairPrice Tobacco RIPPOFF

Location: Other, Small town Illinois
Industry: Retail
Annoyed By: FairPrice Tobacco

They ripped me off for 8.95 due to UPS screwing up the delivery and Them not cooperating with the refund process. UPS stated they would issue a full refund for shipping due to their screwup and FairPrice Tobacco stated that they would not put in for the refund and would not take care of me the customer...........They probably put in for the refund and kept it for themselves........Beware this company because the are very lacking in customer service which is the basis of good business. Complaint filed with BBB

Sunday, October 4, 2009

I Got Smoked

Location: Other, United States, Illinois
Industry: Retail
Annoyed By: Fair Price Tobacco (d.b.a. ryocigarette.com)

I ordered some roll-your-own loose cigarette tobacco from RYOcigarette.com. The product I ordered was one that I was very familiar with and had bought elsewhere for years. The product I received was in the same packaging I was used to but was a very different product. In fact the product was dramatically inferior and I was unable to use it. I immediately wrote (emailed) the company that I had purchased it from and told them of my dissatisfaction and asked for information to make arrangements to return the product for a refund. After several days of not receiving a response I resent the same letter. I have sent a third notice and have still not received any response at all. It has been nearly 2 months since I received the merchandise.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Owner tells me to go F*%? myself

Location: New Brunswick, Bloomfield
Industry: Manufacturing
Annoyed By: Shaw Signs

Ordered signs which took 2 weeks more than advised, they arrived and was asked to pick them up asap. One and a half week later, the owner, which was trying to get a hold of me but did not leave a message finally does leave one. I call back only to be told "I am ripping your fucking signs I we do not wish to do business with you ever again, so Fuck Off!. Then hangs up!

Very Professional!! Get your signs elsewhere because its apparent this idiot is to good for us.

Prepaid Mastercards

Location: Alberta, Calgary
Industry: Other
Annoyed By: Direct Cash Management

I have a prepaid mastercard and loaded money onto it. I put on more than needed for my transaction just in case I wanted to purchase something else, and believe me I will never do that again!! Instead of debiting my card for one transaction, they debited two. This was $117.84 which was suppose to be for groceries. I called Direct Cash and asked them what the problem was, they told me I had to get a letter from the company that I purchased my product from stating that it had been paid for with the first transaction. This was done, I jumped through all their hoops in order to get my money and after this was done I was told that it could take 7 to 10 days after the letter was received in order to get my money put back on my card. I was furious and called direct cash and spoke to a supervisor who apologied and said he would put it as Urgent so I could get my money quicker, well it has been 3 days since this and I still haven't received my money!! I hate these companies who take peoples money and then after you do everything they say, you still get nowhere!! Direct Cash Management is an awful company and so is their service!!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

IS Aww TV in Fremont CA Running Scams? You Have to Wonder?

Location: Other, Fremont, CA
Industry: Media
Annoyed By: Aww Tv World Wide Television Network

Local businesses involved in domestic, international scams and organized crime dealing in drugs, money and human trafficking are sometimes discovered by mistake. Legitimate business transactions with several consumers may have uncovered a big operation in the Bay Area. Researching a business entity may reveal several fictitious business names all registered under the same individuals, however, when these business entities are listed under the same business address, it raises concerns.

The FBI Should Investigate AWWTV - Afghanistan World Wide Television Network in Fremont, CA, & other fictitious businesses operated under the "Qadir" Clan in the East Bay Area, Fremont, Newark, San Jose, San Ramon, California. These people operate under several fictitious business names for Radio & Television Broadcast, Non Profit Organization & Financial Services that may be a cover up for illegal activities. Several registered names appear on these business entities as Armann Qadir, Mohammed Qadir, Wahid Qadir & Said Qadir aka Armann. They seem to be all related. There are more than a dozen accomplices involved with these businesses, both domestic, here in the Bay Area and International. These businesses are operated by experienced professional scam artists in the Afghanistan Community who have been doing this for a long time.

AWWTV aka Afghanistan World Wide Television Network is operated by Armann Qadir, CEO/Founder. He is also listed as CEO/Founder of several fictitious business entities in the East Bay. All the fictitious business names are listed under the same business address in Fremont, California. Armann Qadir is also listed on several website Blogs as a Professional Scam Artists, DJ, Real Estate Realtor, Events Promoter, etc, and may include several types of businesses that are yet to be identified. A self proclaimed and well known Scam Artist, Armann Qadir aka "The Brainchild" and his accomplices have defrauded customers, vendors and the public from thousands of dollars by refusing refunds, unpaid services rendered and false advertising. Luring consumers and business clients with their Radio & Television advertising scams, and non profit charity allows them to conduct fraudulent advertising, fundraising events, Real Estate & Mortgage Loans scams, including Bait & Switch scams and Adult Entertainment Events (Orgy).

check out the websites: http://comment.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewComments&friendID=180631385


or Google "Armann the brainchild Orgy"

The Non Profit Organization, One World Hunger is operated by Wahid Qadir and is listed under the same business address. Although the place of business is set up as a Radio & Television Broadcasting station there's no equipment and no employees onsite. The building does not display address numbers or business signs. The One World Hunger's website posts cash donations to provide food for poor children and people in Afghanistan. As a Non Profit Organization, there is no warehouse to house non cash contributions.

These businesses do not work alone and will usually scam people out of their money by conducting fraudulent business transactions under false pretenses for their accomplices. Consumers or clients who cancel business transactions due to breach of contract by the business side, are referred to deal with the unknown accomplices that were never involved in the transaction. The only recourse for the consumer and clients is to take legal actions.

Google their names and you will find all the scams and victims involved. We need to put these scums in jail!!!

Here's the address to where they currently hold various businesses in Fremont, CA.

AWWTV - Afghanistan World Wide Television Network Address: 44280 Fremont Blvd
Fremont CA 94539
Ph: 1-510-257-1900
Alt: 1925-339-1010
Cell: 1925-339-1723

Websites: http://www.Awwtv.com

Friday, September 18, 2009

Trackstick customer support is APPALLING

Location: Other, California based company
Industry: Technology
Annoyed By: andy@trackstick.com

Read for yourself! Here is the whole email exchange! Start at the bottom & read up.

Subject: Re: Trackstick Contact Submission: Device not recognized
From: andy@trackstick.com
Date: Sat, 19 Sep 2009 02:48:09 +0000

OMG call acorn and send in the troops!
Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®

Date: Fri, 18 Sep 2009 19:01:42 -0700
To: <richard@trackstick.com>; <joey@trackstick.com>; <andy@trackstick.com>
Subject: FW: Trackstick Contact Submission: Device not recognized

This is UNBELIEVABLY unprofessional!!!

YOU are the one who is lazy! Refusing to address an obvious flaw in your product by telling someone to do a system restore?! That is not fixing the problem, that's IGNORING it. So what would your advice be upon a total system reformat & fresh reinstall of Windows? Because THAT is EXACTLY the case here. This was installed on a BRAND NEW OS & has NEVER worked. All other hardware works properly & without issue. Windows even recognizes that your hardware is functioning properly. It's your SOFTWARE that isn't functioning correctly. Might I suggest getting your product certified with Microsoft so you can avoid this ridiculous issue at all?!

David, I suggest that you get rid of Trackstick altogether & recommend moving to a LEGITIMATE, competent, professional company. Trackstick is obviously not interested in their customers, just the money.

Scott, Russ, Brenda, Todd, Chris, Jeff...be sure to NOT recommend "Trackstick" to any of your clients. For very obvious reasons.

From: andy@trackstick.com
Subject: RE: Trackstick Contact Submission: Device not recognized
Date: Fri, 18 Sep 2009 17:41:48 -0700



Go away!

Sent: Friday, September 18, 2009 5:13 PM
To: andy@trackstick.com
Subject: RE: Trackstick Contact Submission: Device not recognized

It's 32 bit. Wow. That is pretty lousy tech support!

Am I communicating with a software engineer??? It certainly does not seem like it.


From: andy@trackstick.com
Subject: FW: Trackstick Contact Submission: Device not recognized
Date: Fri, 18 Sep 2009 16:29:02 -0700

From: Richard Haberkern [mailto:richard@trackstick.com]
Sent: Friday, September 18, 2009 4:23 PM
To: 'Andreana Barbieri'
Subject: RE: Trackstick Contact Submission: Device not recognized

If it is Windows 64 bit, Trackstick won't work on it. Other than that, try doing a system restore to a few days before the Trackstick software was installed and start over.

From: Andreana Barbieri [mailto:andy@trackstick.com]
Sent: Friday, September 18, 2009 4:19 PM
To: 'Richard Haberkern'
Subject: FW: Trackstick Contact Submission: Device not recognized

Sent: Friday, September 18, 2009 4:04 PM
To: andy@trackstick.com
Subject: RE: Trackstick Contact Submission: Device not recognized

Even uninstalled antivirus completely, uninstalled Trackstick completely, then rebooted & reinstalled Trackstick according to instructions, nothing.

Only firewall is Windows Firewall...configured right out of the box.

This laptop is only 5 months old. Custom built. Windows XP Pro, SERVICE PACK 3 (is this possibly the problem??)

Windows works flawlessly otherwise.


From: andy@trackstick.com
Subject: FW: Trackstick Contact Submission: Device not recognized
Date: Fri, 18 Sep 2009 14:58:12 -0700

From: Richard Haberkern [mailto:richard@trackstick.com]
Sent: Friday, September 18, 2009 2:21 PM
To: 'Andreana Barbieri'
Subject: RE: Trackstick Contact Submission: Device not recognized

It works fine in other computers, then it is definitely a computer issue related to Windows. There is a trouble section at the end of the user's guide that will walk you through any possible combination of steps to repair the install.

It could be virus protection software, a virus itself, firewall, improper install or any number of issues related to Windows. Not much we can do to troubleshoot the problem further. Repairing Windows, turning off firewalls and virus protection are a number of things to try. The trouble guide will explain all the steps better than we can by email.

From: Andreana Barbieri [mailto:andy@trackstick.com]
Sent: Friday, September 18, 2009 1:41 PM
To: 'Richard Haberkern'
Subject: FW: Trackstick Contact Submission: Device not recognized

Sent: Friday, September 18, 2009 1:27 PM
To: andy@trackstick.com
Subject: RE: Trackstick Contact Submission: Device not recognized

Yep, lights on, but software says no connection. Yes, I have tried it in several other laptops & desktops & it works fine. This is the laptop it needs to work with however.

Nothing in event viewer, no issues in Device Manager.

Reinstalled according to your directions to the "T". Still no joy.



From: andy@trackstick.com
Subject: FW: Trackstick Contact Submission: Device not recognized
Date: Fri, 18 Sep 2009 13:25:41 -0700

From: Richard Haberkern [mailto:richard@trackstick.com]
Sent: Friday, September 18, 2009 1:25 PM
To: Andreana Barbieri
Subject: RE: Trackstick Contact Submission: Device not recognized

Are you turning the Trackstick on? Is the light solid red or green when in the USB? Have you tried another computer? I guarantee if the light is on and you ship it back here it will work as soon as we plug it in.


From: Andreana Barbieri <andy@trackstick.com>
Sent: Friday, September 18, 2009 12:54 PM
To: 'Richard Haberkern' <richard@trackstick.com>
Subject: FW: Trackstick Contact Submission: Device not recognized

Sent: Friday, September 18, 2009 12:48 PM
To: andy@trackstick.com
Subject: RE: Trackstick Contact Submission: Device not recognized

Tried that as well.


From: andy@trackstick.com
Subject: FW: Trackstick Contact Submission: Device not recognized
Date: Fri, 18 Sep 2009 12:46:06 -0700

From: Richard Haberkern [mailto:richard@trackstick.com]
Sent: Friday, September 18, 2009 12:39 PM
To: 'Andreana Barbieri'
Subject: RE: Trackstick Contact Submission: Device not recognized

Since the device is being seen in hardware manager, it is a computer related issue and not the device. You can verify this quickly by installing software on another machine BEFORE plugging into to USB and finishing the install as instructed. It will more than likely work at that point.

To try to repair your current install, simply uninstall Trackstick Manager via "start", "control panel", add/remove program" and reinstall. It should work after that.

From: Andreana Barbieri [mailto:andy@trackstick.com]
Sent: Friday, September 18, 2009 12:32 PM
To: 'Richard Haberkern'
Subject: FW: Trackstick Contact Submission: Device not recognized

Sent: Friday, September 18, 2009 12:30 PM
To: andy@trackstick.com
Subject: RE: Trackstick Contact Submission: Device not recognized

Did this THREE times...TO THE LETTER to no avail.

Device shows up in Device Manager with no issues, but software never recognizes that it is connected.

Please advise.
You can call directly:

> From: andy@trackstick.com
> To:
> Subject: FW: Trackstick Contact Submission: Device not recognized
> Date: Mon, 14 Sep 2009 07:02:09 -0700
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Richard Haberkern [mailto:richard@trackstick.com]
> Sent: Sunday, September 13, 2009 4:24 PM
> To: andy@trackstick.com
> Subject: RE: Trackstick Contact Submission: Device not recognized
> Under "help" in Manager is a user's guide. There is a trouble section at
> the end that explains how to repair the improperly installed drivers.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: andy@trackstick.com [mailto:andy@trackstick.com]
> Sent: Sunday, September 13, 2009 4:22 PM
> To: richard@trackstick.com
> Subject: Fw: Trackstick Contact Submission: Device not recognized
> ------Original Message------
> From:
> To: info@trackstick.com
> Subject: Trackstick Contact Submission: Device not recognized
> Sent: Sep 13, 2009 3:58 PM
> Name:
> Company:
> Phone:
> Website:
> Subject: Device not recognized
> Message:
> My trackstick has brand new batteries, latest Trackstick Manager
> software installed, red light stays lit on Trackstick when plugged in,
> Device Manager recognizes Trackstick no issues. Windows XP with Service
> Pack 3. Trackstick Manager always says "no device connected". I have
> uninstalled, rebooted, reinstalled to no avail. Turned off all startup
> items & non Microsoft services in msconfig & rebooted, still no joy. Please
> advise!
> Sent on the SprintR Now Network from my BlackBerryR

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Calgary Parking Authority on line fees

Location: Alberta, Calgary
Industry: Government
Annoyed By: Calgary Parking Authority

It is astounding that they would charge a fee for someone to pay a ticket online. It is way less costly for them to process payments this way since it is all automatic, and therefore a service fee should not exist. It should in fact be discounted from paying by mail. I understand that there is a charge as the merchant for using credit cards, BUT If I came in person and used VISA would they charge me a service fee? No.

As a result, I am registering my complaint, and paying my fee by mail. Hopefully it will cost themmore than $3.00 to process it using a human being to open the envelope and process the ticket, to review this e-mail and forward it along to the appropriate individuals in the appropriate departments instead of choosing the right policy in the first place. It costs me about $.50 to put a stamp on an envelope. I already have the chequing account and those fees are fixed. Every once in a while I go to the mailbox on my way downtown, so it adds a few more seconds to the trip. I will take my accountant a little longer to process the chequing on my books, as opposed to downloading the VISA statement and recording those electronically though. So it's all less efficient for me too.

Maybe if enough people protest this flagrant fee grab they will change their policies!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

PRIMUS Canada -long distance service

Location: Alberta, Calgary
Industry: Telecom
Annoyed By: Accounts

First they charged me $50 for purportedly changing my VISA card without telling them, then when I called them to complain about it, and couldn't get satisfaction, they told me to cancel my account would take 30 days.

Then they sent me another bill, after I assumed they had cancelled the account.

Then they tell me I have to call my phone provider to cancel my account with THEM! and set up a new long distance carrier, and its still 30 days to cancel.

I called VISA, told then the story, and they are taking action.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Garage Door Fraud

Location: Other, Pittsburgh, PA Industry: Other Annoyed By: Always in Service

Always in Service charged me over $500 to replace a spring in my garage door. We were desperate so we looked in the yellow pages for the Better Business Bureau symbol. Well turns out they were false advertising and the spring to replace my door is available for 79.99. That means they charged me over $400 for a hour of work. I would not even pay my surgeon that much. What a rip off. They go by other names as well. They are based out of Abington PA, but service a ton of areas. We were in the Pittsburgh area.Here is a list of all their phone numbers

(215) 661-1011 (215) 665-1550 (215) 672-3527 (215) 684-3659
(215) 732-2161 (215) 742-4741 (215) 742-7602 (215) 742-7603
(215) 742-7604 (215) 742-7605 (215) 742-7606 (215) 742-7607
(215) 769-2408 (215) 781-2459 (215) 781-3458 (215) 781-7923
(215) 785-2062 (215) 785-2394 (215) 785-2395 (215) 785-2395
(215) 785-3155 (215) 794-7404 (215) 799-1988 (215) 799-1988

(215) 822-1327 (610) 859-7880 (215) 658-0396 (215) 646-7711
(215) 822-1328 (610) 869-3430 (610) 490-5216 (215) 364-4583
(215) 831-0146 (610) 869-3430 (610) 490-5217 (215) 364-4584
(215) 860-3768 (610) 869-3431 (610) 490-5218 (215) 368-8781
(215) 862-2993 (610) 869-3431 (610) 519-1359 (215) 368-8782
(215) 886-5625 (610) 874-1399 (610) 519-1359 (215) 368-8783
(215) 887-0262 (610) 933-3022 (610) 519-1840 (215) 368-8784
(215) 942-5178 (610) 933-3022 (610) 539-3905 (215) 381-0471
(215) 945-0215 (610) 942-4243 (610) 539-3905 (215) 395-0735
(215) 949-2910 (610) 942-4943 (610) 539-3906 (215) 396-7144
(215) 953-1053 (610) 942-4943 (610) 539-3906 (215) 396-7147
(215) 963-9257 (717) 840-2435 (610) 543-4167 (215) 425-6315
(215) 977-7280 (717) 840-2435 (610) 543-4167 (215) 441-7101
(215) 978-4351 (717) 840-2435 (610) 581-0245 (215) 442-1869
(215) 979-8431 (866) 914-4575 (610) 581-0245 (215) 456-1598
(215) 981-0108 (866) 914-4575 (610) 626-0464 (215) 464-1723
(215) 988-9009 (215) 218-4050 (610) 626-0464 (215) 464-1724
(215) 997-1217 (215) 218-4052 (610) 626-6592 (215) 474-2076
(484) 232-6134 (215) 218-4053 (610) 626-6592 (215) 476-4333
(484) 302-0126 (215) 231-9805 (610) 626-6593 (215) 477-0408
(484) 322-0222 (215) 232-2697 (610) 626-6594 (215) 481-9454
(484) 356-0370 (215) 232-2698 (610) 626-6596 (215) 482-1702
(484) 444-0267 (215) 233-2320 (610) 626-6597 (215) 501-8315
(484) 840-9131 (215) 234-0129 (610) 626-6597 (215) 501-8316
(484) 895-0246 (215) 241-1145 (610) 626-6693 (215) 535-0734
(610) 225-3013 (215) 244-1520 (610) 629-0718 (215) 545-4840
(610) 237-0604 (215) 244-1794 (610) 629-0718 (215) 546-2478
(610) 238-0307 (215) 248-1927 (610) 642-2063 (215) 546-2479
(610) 238-1048 (215) 248-1928 (610) 642-2063 (215) 546-4590
(610) 239-1047 (215) 248-1929 (610) 642-2064 (215) 547-8723
(610) 240-4975 (215) 248-1935 (610) 642-2064 (215) 547-8724
(610) 250-7034 (215) 248-1936 (610) 664-1345 (215) 547-8725
(610) 251-2327 (215) 248-1937 (610) 664-1345 (215) 203-8712
(610) 255-5404 (215) 249-1858 (610) 705-2685 (215) 218-0491
(610) 259-2870 (215) 256-1245 (610) 705-3684 (215) 547-8726
(610) 265-2535 (215) 256-1246 (610) 705-3684 (215) 547-8727
(610) 268-3306 (215) 256-4498 (610) 705-3685 (215) 548-1587
(610) 268-5690 (215) 257-2762 (610) 705-3685 (215) 574-1236
(610) 268-5989 (215) 257-2763 (610) 705-3686 (215) 579-6126
(610) 268-8020 (215) 279-6248 (610) 705-3687 (215) 587-0673
(610) 269-6490 (215) 283-1989 (610) 705-3687 (215) 587-0674
(610) 269-6560 (215) 283-3270 (610) 718-0288 (215) 587-0675
(610) 269-7038 (215) 283-4979 (610) 718-0288 (215) 592-7061
(610) 270-0770 (215) 283-8780 (610) 738-6930 (215) 592-7061
(610) 275-1167 (215) 288-1572 (610) 738-6930 (215) 633-0270
(610) 279-6244 (215) 288-1573 (610) 738-6931 (215) 634-1050
(610) 279-6245 (215) 293-0823 (610) 738-6931 (215) 634-1051
(610) 279-6246 (215) 293-0824 (610) 759-6864 (215) 634-1052
(610) 279-6247 (215) 293-0825 (610) 759-6864 (215) 635-5625
(610) 279-6249 (215) 293-0826 (610) 797-2343 (215) 646-1301
(610) 280-0172 (215) 293-0827 (610) 797-2343 (215) 646-1302
(610) 280-0353 (215) 293-0828 (610) 825-1419 (215) 646-4580
(610) 280-3407 (215) 293-9929 (610) 825-1419 (215) 646-4581
(610) 280-3408 (215) 295-1740 (610) 859-1880 (215) 646-7711
(610) 284-0170 (215) 295-3831 (610) 363-5942 (215) 333-4190
(610) 287-3072 (215) 299-0395 (610) 374-4100 (215) 338-3834
(610) 287-7211 (215) 322-0484 (610) 374-4100 (215) 340-3633
(610) 327-4377 (215) 322-4826 (610) 374-4300 (215) 343-7599
(610) 337-2380 (215) 322-4826 (610) 383-5083 (215) 345-8612
(610) 344-9470 (215) 322-4827 (610) 383-6783 (215) 345-8613
(610) 347-0301 (215) 322-5849 (610) 407-4134 (215) 345-8615
(610) 359-1560 (215) 324-3043 (610) 409-1640 (215) 355-2212
(610) 359-1561 (215) 330-1427 (610) 444-1573 (215) 355-7479
(610) 359-1562 (215) 333-2763 (610) 446-3684 (215) 357-1291
(610) 359-1563 (215) 333-2782 (610) 446-3862 (215) 357-1292
(610) 446-3866 (215) 362-5302 (610) 446-3863 (215) 357-2678
(610) 490-5213 (215) 362-5303 (610) 446-3865 (215) 361-2003
(610) 490-5214 (215) 362-5304 (610) 490-5215 (215) 362-5305

I called BBB and all they did was lie to them. THey currently have an F on their site. Do not use their service.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Using my common sense now aren't I Express Furniture of Wigan?

Location: Other, Wigan, Greater Manchester
Industry: Retail
Annoyed By: Elizabeth and Victoria of Express Furniture Caroline Street, Wigan

After turning up at 2 o'clock (despite being told that my husband would be out shortly after 2 to collect a child from school), the delivery men decided that a 15ft by 20ft room with a single bed and a small bedside table, was not quite big enough to assemble a 5ft wide wardrobe, which had been described as fully assembled on the website.
Having then been ordered about by the spatially aware delivery men to move this and that, whilst still on a tight schedule to pick up our school child, he was then told we would have to have the wardrobe re-delivered another day, when we had re-arranged our house to allow for the flat packed wardrobe to be taken upstairs and through a bedroom door. We were not told an estimated date for the next arrival, so I decided to ring up the store on Caroline Street, Wigan to find out when they were expecting to re deliver.
The phone was answered by a woman, who, once I had given my name, decided it would be customer friendly to greet me with a motor mouth reception of pre empted excuses for why it would be impossible to deliver our fully assembled, flat packed furniture today.
It was made clear to me that I had been rather stupid in thinking that the wardrobe which had been described as fully assembled would actually turn up, fully assembled, and I was told to "use some common sense". At this point I would like to make it clear that we have previously ordered a fully assembled item from this company, and it did arrive fully assembled.
Carrying on from this first insult, it was obvious that our punctual delivery men had already rang this woman to complain about their difficult route of up the stairs and through the door, because she nicely asked me, and I quote, "How the HELL" I expected these men to get our flat packed furniture past a book shelf which was outside the room. Strangely enough, I didn't take kindly to the way she had addressed the issue and asked her, with a tone of shock, to repeat what she had just said, to which she excused herself by saying "well I didn't swear." I explained that I had deemed it an unsuitable way of dealing with the situation as I would not use that language to anyone either inside or outside of my profession (teacher), to which she sarcastically replied "Well that explains it all, doesn't it?"

At this point I had put up with enough and asked to speak to the manager, she replied "HE is not around". I said that I was aware that managers could always be contacted in case of emergencies and that I would imagine he would see it as an emergency that he was about to lose £700 from a regular customer. Eventually the conversation came to an end and the phone was put down.
Within a minute of the phone being put down, it was ringing again and this time a very similar accent and a very similar voice was on the other end telling me, firstly "this is Liz again" and then that I was now speaking to the manager. Obviously, I had my doubts of this new woman being anyone other than the same woman I had just been speaking to since her name was also Liz, so I asked to speak to the other woman again, we then went through a childish game of what sounded like her covering the phone with her hand while Vicky, 'the other person' muffled out a "hello". When questioned about her identity and being told that I didn't believe I was speaking to anyone new, she repeatedly denied that she was who I had just been speaking to, to which I asked "so is your name Liz Again?" There was an eery silence, and after this she didn't have much to say other than keep on denying that I had already spoken to her, out of which an obvious question arose, if she was actually the manageress why had I been told before that HE was out when I had asked to speak to the manager?

At the end of this conversation I was told that I had been given a full refund, and I was warned twice to never enter their store again, clearly this company do not take kindly to any complaints about bad customer service.

Overall this company offered terrible customer service from delivery men to an impolite sales woman, or sales women, you decide! As a paying customer I was shown no respect whatsoever.
This company will NEVER get my service again.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Third times not the charm.

Location: ,
Industry: Automotive
Annoyed By: Sumaru's Auto

Absolutely the worst shop I have ever been to. They screwed up something the first time they did my timing belt. You could hear the belt rubbing on the cover. Back it goes. The sound was gone for a while after the second shop visit then it slowly cam back. Third time in the shop discovered large hole rubbed through t belt cover by the belt, and tensioner bolt snapped. "Not our fault" they said as they tried to charge me for the repair. After taking truck home and giving it a good once over I have now discovered 3 missing bolts,cover not fixed and no gasket installed and a few things hanging that should bolt down somewhere. I will take it back today and see what BS comes next. Avoid like h1n1.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

more false prices on items

Location: Other, Cardiff
Industry: Retail
Annoyed By: hairy bloke Cardiff

Same as the previous complainer the price was listed with a set and then was told this was not for the set even though the sign stated this.

I was told I was wrong and if didnt like the real price then don't buy it its up to you.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Cell C - lies and deception

Location: Other, Gauteng
Industry: Telecom
Annoyed By: Charlene Adams

I have been dealing with Cell C for over a month now and was recently told I was talking to the senior management in regards to resolving my query since 03072009, today I was informed that this is not true and Charlene in fact confirmed it for me.

How can a service provider take this long to firstly resolve a query? I was told to take my business elsewhere initially and now have had 'manager' after 'manager' call me to try rectify the issue yet get lied to or told to go away anyway.

I have tried now for the last time to get some clarification and will be taking this to the highest level possible within Cell C, media next and then I do not know where. All I can say is that I am close to taking Cell C's advise and going to another service provider, I am just worried about all the others out there that have been bamboozled and do not have the means to make their voice heard.

I have just received a sms too to say my upgrade has been processed when I have not agreed to anything, lets see how that works out. I was initially asked to select a phone for my upgrade and was then told to pay for it without informing me of costs in the beginning, WATCH THIS SPACE!!!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Apathy and Disconcern

Location: Other, Atlanta, GA
Industry: Other
Annoyed By: League USA

My story is only justified by reading the email exchange which I have posted below... this exchange took place after almost 7 hours of repeated attempts to get their customer service to respond to an urgent issue I was having. This is not the first time I have had issues with them, but it will be the last. I am done with Leagues USA - anyone considering using them, FYI, as soon as they sign you up, they no longer care!!!!


From: Revolution Athletics [mailto:info@revolutionathletics.org]
Sent: Wednesday, August 05, 2009 8:50 AM
To: Charlie Mandt

Charlie, I can't get this to do all the games, it keeps leaving off 3 of them. Can you call me and help me when you get in?


From: Charlie Mandt [mailto:charlie@leagueusa.com]
Sent: Friday, August 07, 2009 2:39 PM
To: 'Revolution Athletics'
Subject: RE: 2009 Copa de Calle


I opened up the tournament schedule that you sent me. It says you don't have enough timeslots to schedule all games. See screenshot below.


From: Revolution Athletics [mailto:info@revolutionathletics.org]
Sent: Friday, August 07, 2009 2:42 PM
To: 'Charlie Mandt'
Subject: RE: 2009 Copa de Calle

That is an old one that I sent two days ago. I asked you to call me now like 6 times.

From: Charlie Mandt [mailto:charlie@leagueusa.com]
Sent: Friday, August 07, 2009 3:42 PM
To: 'Revolution Athletics'
Subject: RE: 2009 Copa de Calle

Please describe the problem in an email.



From: "Revolution Athletics"
Date: Fri, 7 Aug 2009 17:02:21 -0400
To: 'Charlie Mandt'<charlie@leagueusa.com>
Subject: RE: 2009 Copa de Calle
Really Charlie, that's the best support you can offer me? I called like 6-10 times and left as many messages and maybe more emails and you ask me to email you the issue. Nice.

From: Charlie Mandt - LeagueUSA [mailto:charlie@leagueusa.com]
Sent: Friday, August 07, 2009 5:15 PM
To: Revolution Athletics
Subject: Re: 2009 Copa de Calle


From: "Revolution Athletics"
Date: Fri, 7 Aug 2009 17:55:21
To: 'Charlie Mandt'<charlie@leagueusa.com>
Subject: RE: 2009 Copa de Calle

So let me get this straight…

• I called you at 9:00 am to your customer service 800 number and leave a message per instructions your office opens at 9:00. No reply.
• I call repeatedly over the course of the next three hours, even calling the server hotline number and leave a message indicating that it is an urgent message and to please have someone call me. No reply
• I email repeatedly to both your help desk email and you starting at 8:00 am – up until your first response around 3:00 pm today, and in each instance I stress the urgency of my call and request that someone call me.
• Finally, when you do respond its via a half hearted email that gives me some equally half hearted response about scheduling as if I know nothing about the software and haven't been using it for over three years now – when all of my messages indicated I was getting multiple errors, some of which you saw with me first hand two days ago and that only a telephone call would be beneficial.
• I respond again to call me that the errors are multiple and need to be discussed over the phone – I even try calling again. No answer.
• You respond again with another apathetic email that does not address my situation.
• I question the veracity and functionality of your response and you retort w a single "yes" – still no call
• All of this after I emailed help desk two days ago w the initial errors and you reply today indirectly only bc of all my other requests that you haven't had time to look at my email yet?
• So here I am at 7:40 pm, almost 12 hours after I initially contacted you and still I am left helplessly unresolved. I have a tournament tomorrow that I needed to publish a schedule at noon for today – of which I informed you of this throughout the day – hence my urgency, and yet nobody bothered to call me back as requested ALL day.
• Consequently, I was forced to manually create a schedule using excel and then manually plug into your software for a tournament tomorrow that took me several hours to complete, missing my promised deadline to the participants.
• So this is how you deal with customer service for a client that has purchased three websites through you, two software packages?

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Companies Customers Love to Hate

When it comes to the Hall of Fame of companies to hate, these tech firms top the list.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

CUPE Sucks

Location: Ontario, Toront
Industry: Government
Annoyed By: CUPE Toronto and Windsor

CUPE - Canadian Union of Public Employees - is a disgrace to Canada. This outdated union of mostly uneducated labourers (many of whose jobs can be done by robots!) is clamouring about how "unfairly" it is being treated. Well, it is being treated better than almost every citizen of Toronto or Windsor. These strikes are holding us hostage, and are basically civil terrorism!

Stinking, greedy, grasping pigs.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Bella lina cruz salon has a nasty owner!

Location: Other, Winter garden, Florida
Industry: Retail
Annoyed By: owner! Jose Cruz

Well, u'd think an owner would be friendly?? This one actually abuses his power, he's very nasty, rude and is always angry! He made me wait and acts like he never wants to do my hair! He's racist!