Location: Other, England
Industry: Other
Annoyed By: Stuart!
Ahhh…British Customer Service at its Very Best!!
I know you'll think I made this up, but trust me - it's all true! If you think the art of good customer service has gone the way of the red squirrel, do not despair, you simply haven't met Stuart!
I recently moved house and had a bunch of stuff to get rid of and thought I'd be clever and do my part to make the world a bit cleaner and greener. I contacted my local online freecycle community. Unfortunately, I had a spot of trouble with the registration process.
Not to worry – I'll simply contact the "we're here to help" moderator, Stuart. (Little did I know at the time, but I suspect that Stuart may actually be Jeremy Clarkson performing some undercover community service as payment for one too many speeding fines!) Stuart has an interesting interpretation of English grammar and potentially a pathological fear of full stops; nevertheless he is committed to providing the type of quality customer service we've come to know and love from white van men across the British Isles.
Anyhoo….the saga begins…
----- Original Message ----
From: newtonzapple@yahoo.com
To: freecyclechippenham-owner@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thu, 29 April, 2010 9:36:15
Subject: problems registering
I received an email saying I have been rejected from this group. Can you please tell me what I need to join? I am moving house soon and would like to offer many household items on freecycle.
-----Original Message-----
From: Chippenham Moderators [mailto:chippenhammods@yahoo.co.uk]
Sent: 29 April 2010 11:15
To: newtonzapple@yahoo.com
Subject: Re: problems registering
Hello there
If you received the rejection message, then you did not follow the instructions sent to you in the 'File - Welcome Message' email, if you had indeed read this email it would have told you how to join, also in the rejection message it tells you why you were denied membership in the first paragraph under "reasons why" so on 2 occasions you have not read the messages and this says to us that you would not read any of the important messages that the moderators/owners send out from time to time which are for your benefit and guidance and most importantly the rules that get sent out for your guidence, you would not read them and for which if you were to break the rules after we'd sent you an email which we told you about it but you haven't read it, you could well be banned from the site all together, so you see how important it is to read the emails sent to you.
If you still wish to join then please reapply and follow the instructions in the welcome message.
Chippenham moderator (Stuart)
----- Original Message ----
From: newtonzapple@yahoo.com
To: Chippenham Moderators <chippenhammods@yahoo.co.uk>
Sent: Thu, 29 April, 2010 12:19:24
Subject: RE: problems registerin
Dear Stuart,
What a grumpy response to a legitimate question.
Thanks, but no thanks; I'd rather join a religious cult than belong to a group with such a miserable patronising git as its moderator.
-----Original Message-----
From: Chippenham Moderators [mailto:chippenhammods@yahoo.co.uk]
Sent: 29 April 2010 12:39
To: newtonzapple@yahoo.com
Subject: Re: problems registering
well what do you expect if an email was already sent to you saying how to join
Regards from
A Patronising git