Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Location: Alberta, Mississauga
Industry: Other
Annoyed By: Hewlett Packard Case Managers

Here are a few points taken from HP's Standards of Business Conduct: Building trust together.
I've rated each one as follows:

1)Passion for customers - FAILED
2)Uncompromising integrity - FAILED
3)Customer loyalty – FAILED

Now let me tell you WHY:

The following is an e-mail I sent to HP Canada CEO and submitted to HP Canada customer service online:

I purchased a new desk jet printer from HP in Feb. this year to replace a HP printer/scanner that stopped working. Neither I nor the HP technicians were able to install the new printer.

The technician suggested I purchase another desk jet printer. I had the same problem with the 2nd printer - would not install either.

I checked with a technician in Ottawa and he assured me that there was nothing wrong with my operating system.

I decided to keep the printers until someone could figure out how to install one of your new printers. (I have an HP laser printer that is my main printer).

My hard drive (3RD defective HP hard drive) crashed. This past week I was able to replace it and install one of the HP printers I had on hand and planned to return the one your technicians advised me was not the best one and now one of your printers is installed and is working perfectly.

Yesterday when my installer was speaking with your technician about installing one of the printers, your technician said that the printers would not install on my old system because I had Windows XP MEDIA EDITION. WHY didn't they tell me that in February? OBVIOUSLY if I had been told that the printers would not work with my existing system I would have returned both immediately.

I have been advised that I am unable to return the 2nd printer, even though it has not been used, because you have a 21 day return policy. At no time did any of your technicians tell me about any return policy and my receipt does not mention any return policy. OBVIOUSLY if I had been told about your return policy or saw this information on my invoice I would have returned both printers immediately.
This printer cost me close to $100.00 and I would very much appreciate receiving a refund.
I do understand that some companies and businesses have return policies, but their customers are advised about their return policy conditions and the conditions are always indicated on their merchandise invoice.
I have installed one of the printers, am satisfied with it and plan to keep it. I just want to return the 2nd one (has not been used).

For many, many years I have been a VERY faithful and satisfied Hewlett Packard customer – UP UNTIL NOW.

I would really appreciate your help and am looking forward to a positive resolution.

1) I received a call from the original Case Manager who said Corporate Headquarters sent my e-mail to him and he refused to allow me to return a brand new printer, even though I am keeping the other one.

2) They had the gall to send me an e-mail asking me to participate in a survey!!!

1 comment:

  1. Why don't you just participate in the survey and give them the marks that you think they deserve in your opinion?
