Industry: Technology
Annoyed By: Sales persons
Yesterday I went into the local Best Buy in Capitola, California with the intention of purchasing an Ipod and Ipod port. I was prepared to spend around 200.00 for her gift. She loves music but has been without a player of any kind since the fire. So, after after waiting 20 minutes at the MP3 section of the store, I search for a sales person. The first one I asked rushed off stating that she was busy. So I look around again and find what I thought would be a helpful sales person and may have been if we weren't interrupted by another sales person that took him away. I did get enough information from this person to determine that the price of the songs from the Itune store would be cost prohibitive. So, I go over to the Sirus radio which is in the Audio car department...waiting....waiting...searching...
I realize that I am developing a crane neck syndrome, and I am not the only who one who is...waiting...waiting...So, I go up to the front door to where the manager of the store is sitting but apparently does he not have a clue about how his store is functioning. I ask for assistance from a sales person. The sales person, (the same one who was taken away earlier) explains the system, and more importantly, the cost. I decide on a boom box. Rather than wait again, I search on my own. In a tucked away corner I select from a very limited selection...I long for the days for more than one tech store in this county.