Wednesday, August 27, 2008

unbelievable but true

Location: Quebec, vaudreuil
Industry: Retail

I bought 60 cedar trees @ $29.99 each only to discover 2 days after they were delivered that they were marked down to $19.99 at another Home Depot (and soon thereafter marked down at every local Montreal area store). I went back for a refund for the difference ($600.00!) and after avoiding coming face to face with me for the longest time by sending his flunky back and forth to deal with me, the store manager finally came out of his hole (because I refused to leave without speaking to him personally) and refused me a refund by lying and contradicting himself. It would take more space than is available here to relay the entire experience, but as an example, when I asked him if I would have to bring the plants back myself to get a full refund so I could go and get them at the other Home Depot store, he had the nerve to tell me that even with a receipt I would only get back a refund for the lowest price (19.99) - what kind of moron would even begin to suggest that????! My husband, by the way, was witness to the entire episode.

Seeing that I was wasting my time with this man, I went home and called the company. First person I spoke to said what I experienced was disgusting and that he was sure I'd get my money back once I spoke to his superiors, but I then went through 3 more "customer service" agents and the highest one on the totem pole ended by offering me a small gift certificate based on the store manager's (ignorant) behaviour but still refused to refund my $600.00 (nor did she say this man would be reprimanded in any way for his behavior)! WOW!!!

Well, sitting down with pen in hand to write Head Office was a complete waste of time because after waiting forever for a response - they basically told me to kiss their grits because they stood by their moronic store manager, believed and supported his lies (even with the proof right in front of their eyes who was telling the truth) and they would not be issuing me one penny of a refund (by this point any retailer with half an ounce of brain mass at head office would've done some major damage control before a consumer scorned like myself would've discovered this site and started tapping away on my keyboard as I am now (BTW - thanks guys, for this immensely useful tool for consumers who have consistently been pooped on by big businesses who think they are untouchable. This is long overdue - so keep up the good work).

In closing, my message is loud and clear when it comes to Home Depot: BUYER BEWARE!!!!

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